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Migrating from Remedy to Jira Service Management: Unlocking Efficiency and Flexibility



As organizations strive to streamline their IT and enterprise service management (ITSM/ESM) processes, the decision to migrate from legacy systems like Remedy to modern platforms like Jira Service Management (JSM) is becoming increasingly compelling. This transition unlocks a world of efficiency, flexibility, and enhanced capabilities that can propel your organization forward.

Remedy has long been a dominant player in the ITSM space, but its aging architecture and limited integration capabilities have left many organizations seeking a more agile and future-proof solution. Jira Service Management, on the other hand, offers a robust and customizable platform that seamlessly integrates with the broader Atlassian ecosystem, empowering teams to work smarter and more collaboratively.

Why Move from Remedy to Jira Service Management?

By migrating to JSM, you can expect to experience a significant boost in productivity, with intuitive workflows, automated processes, and real-time visibility into service requests and incidents. The platform's flexibility allows you to tailor it to your organization's unique needs, ensuring that your ITSM/ESM strategies align perfectly with your business objectives.

Moreover, the integration capabilities of JSM enable you to break down silos and foster cross-functional collaboration, ultimately enhancing the overall efficiency and responsiveness of your service delivery. This, in turn, translates to improved customer satisfaction and a more agile, resilient organization.

The decision to migrate from Remedy to Jira Service Management is a strategic one that can unlock a new era of ITSM/ESM excellence. With the right planning, execution, and support, your organization can navigate this transition and emerge stronger, more adaptable, and better equipped to meet the evolving demands of the modern business landscape.

24 Hour Fitness worked with FMX Solutions to switch from BMC Remedy to Jira Service Management to reduce silos and save costs. Now, 24 Hour Fitness is connecting Dev and Ops to collaborate better and make work more visible. Watch the Team 24 replay below to see how they’ve used Jira Service Management to transform their service management practices:

1. User-Friendly Interface

One of the primary reasons organizations opt for JSM over Remedy is the user-friendly interface. Many clients find Remedy’s complex and unintuitive interface frustrating for both end-users and support agents. JSM simplifies the process of submitting requests and managing tickets, leading to improved user satisfaction and efficiency.

2. Enhanced Customization and Flexibility

Remedy often presents challenges in customization, with rigid and cumbersome options that hinder clients from tailoring the platform to their specific business processes. In contrast, JSM offers extensive customization capabilities, allowing organizations to configure workflows, fields, and automation rules to meet their unique needs.

3. Improved Integration Capabilities

Clients frequently encounter difficulties integrating Remedy with other tools in their IT ecosystem, resulting in siloed data and inefficient workflows. JSM addresses these concerns with robust integration capabilities and a rich ecosystem of third-party applications and plugins. This allows for seamless connectivity with complementary tools, enhancing overall productivity.

4. Unified and Streamlined System

Unlike the complex and siloed modules of BMC Remedy, JSM provides a unified platform that streamlines navigation and enhances operational efficiency across the organization.

5. Simplified Workflow Management

Creating, updating, and maintaining workflows is straightforward with JSM. This ease of use eliminates the time-consuming and challenging processes associated with BMC Remedy, leading to increased productivity.

6. Efficient Asset Management

JSM’s intuitive asset management capabilities resolve the cumbersome issues found in BMC Remedy, enabling organizations to manage their assets efficiently.

7. Cost-Effective Solution

Migrating to JSM can significantly reduce the costs associated with maintaining and upgrading BMC Remedy. This cost-effectiveness makes JSM an attractive option for organizations looking to optimize their IT budget.

8. Modern User Interface and Experience

With its intuitive and modern user interface, JSM enhances user adoption and satisfaction, addressing the outdated UI issues of BMC Remedy.

9. Reliable Performance and Reporting

JSM delivers consistent performance and robust reporting tools, providing real-time analytics that streamline decision-making processes.

10. Comprehensive Mobile Support

JSM offers comprehensive mobile functionality, enabling users to manage tasks on the go. This is a significant improvement over the inadequate mobile support found in BMC Remedy.

Cost Implications of Migrating

When considering migrating from Remedy to JSM, organizations must evaluate the cost implications, including licensing fees and product pricing. Understanding these financial factors is essential for making an informed decision.

Tailoring JSM to Your Business Processes

It’s crucial to conduct an in-depth assessment of your current operational state to gain insights into existing flows and practices. Outline specific requirements inherent to your operational processes, identifying areas for improvement and optimization. By restructuring processes within JSM based on best practices, organizations can avoid duplicating their Remedy setup and instead streamline processes for end-users while simplifying product maintenance for administrators. Partnering with an ITSM or ESM consultant like FMX Solutions can make migrating to JSM a painless and efficient process.

Four Reasons to Work With an ITSM Partner:

Suggest conducting an in-depth assessment of the current operational state to gain a comprehensive understanding of existing flows and practices.

Outline the specific requirements inherent to their operational processes, identifying key areas for improvement and optimization.

Restructure the processes in Jira Service Management, incorporating best practices and recommendations. Avoid duplicating Remedy's setup, instead aiming to streamline processes for end-users while simplifying product maintenance for administrators.

Facilitate the seamless transfer of data from Remedy to Jira, ensuring minimal operational disruption and preserving historical information critical for continuity and analysis.


Migrating from Remedy to Jira Service Management can unlock numerous benefits, including enhanced user experience, flexibility, and cost savings. By addressing key considerations such as customization, integration capabilities, and data transfer, organizations can make a strategic decision that positions them for success in the evolving landscape of IT service management.

By focusing on these elements, organizations can ensure a smooth transition and reap the full benefits of Jira Service Management. For a deeper understanding of the migration process and personalized assistance, consider reaching out to an expert consultant.